The Public Inquiry into proposals to build 175 houses on land between Little Horwood Road and Shipton resumed in Aylesbury on Tuesday. Llew took time out from the local election campaign to attend the opening session and formally deliver the submission that  he’d prepared on behalf of the  Town Council which is opposed to the development.   The Inquiry is expected to conclude this evening (Wednesday) and the Inspector will then study the mountains of evidence which have been submitted and deliver his decsion sometime during the Summer.

Shipton enquiry delayed again.

The Public Enquiry into Gladman Developments proposal to build 175 houses on land between Little Horwood Road and Shipton hamlet will not now resume until 3rd May. The enquiry should have concluded this week but  a decision was awaited in a case which could have an impact nationally.  Although the judgement was given on 9th February the legal teams for Gladman and AVDC need time to consider its impact and prepare their case.  It appears that the case in question may go to the Court of Appeal so there could be a further delay in our enquiry beyond May3rd.

How should our town grow?

Here’s your chance to have your say about future housing development in Winslow.


The Coalition Government is changing the method of planning for future growth so that communities get to have a far greater say in the level of new housing development.  Because of this Aylesbury Vale District Council is just starting to create a new long term development plan for the next twenty years which will reflect what local communities like Winslow say is reasonable.  If we assume that there will be approriate improvements to infrastructure (roads, schools, local employment. leisure and health facilities) what do YOU think would be acceptable?  Please complete my survey in the right hand panel of this page and if you want to give more detail write to me at .


 After just one and a half days the planning enquiry into proposals to develop 175 houses off Little Horwood Road has been adjourned.   The Inquiry has been adjourned to await the outcome of legal action being taken by a national housebuilder, Cala Homes, against the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government regarding the approach to be taken nationally to the interpretation of regional planning policies.  This case relates to another part of the country but the judgement will have national significance. The outcome of this action is expected in mid January and the Shipton enquiry is scheduled to reconvene on 14th February next year.

The Inspector was able to hear evidence from two expert witnesses called on behalf of Gladman Developments as the areas on which they were commenting are not covered by the legal action.  Gladman called a landscape expert who presented his views on the suitability of the site and an urban design expert who discussed the possible layout of the site. Two of the key issues for the enquiry are the suitability of the site and the question of whether Little Horwood Road forms a clear boundary to the eastern edge of Winslow such that any development beyond this would be development in the open countryside.

I have  submitted a statement to the Enquiry on behalf of the Town Council and will get to speak to this when we resume on 14th February. You can see this statement at Submission by Winslow Town Council to Shipton Enquiry



Roadworks, roadworks, roadworks. What’s going on?

You can’t have failed to notice that there are quite a lot of roadworks going on in Winslow at present.  All of the work is ‘off-site highways improvements’ related to the Banner Homes development off Verney Road.  As part of the planning consent for the development Banner are obliged to pay for these works which are designed to compensate for the extra traffic which will be generated from the development. They are not allowed to sell any houses until the works are completed and paid for.

The main works are in Verney Road, Vicarage Road and Burleys Road with some additional work in the High Street and on Buckingham Road. New parking bays in Verney Road and Burleys Road and a traffic island where Burleys, Verney and Vicarage Roads meet are part of the plan as well as a slight widening of Vicarage Road and two pedestrian refuges at crossing points.  On Buckingham Road there will be a Vehicle Activated Sign to remind drivers of the 30mph limit and some re-alignment of the road markings to give the impression of the road being narrower which apparently slows down traffic. Let’s hope it does.  The parking protection ‘build-outs’ on the High Street are likely to be the most contentious parts of the work.  The highways engineers believe that these works together with new white-lining will slow and improve traffic flow on the High Street. It will also make it much safer to be on the pavement outside the Co-oP and the butchers.  If the Co-oP delivery vehicles go to the rear of the store which they could, and should, then the scheme should be to everyone’s benefit. 

The work will stop on 6th December and start again on 10th January and is expected to be finished sometime in March. Only when all of the work is completed will we be able to judge how successful it is so let’s be patient and hope that the highways engineers have got it right.

Developers offer £3million community benefits package

The planning enquiry into the proposed development of 175 dwellings between Little Horwood Road and Shipton will start at 10.00am on 7th December at, The Oculus, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8FF. The previous application for this site was refused and the Town Council and AVDC continue to oppose the proposals despite some amendments by the developer.

Before the enquiry concludes the Planning Inspector must receive details of what conditions AVDC would apply and what community benefits the applicant would provide IF he were to grant permission. We understand that Gladman Developments are proposing a package which has an estimated value of around £3,000.000 and includes the following.

£1.2 million subsidy for a new half hourly bus service to Milton Keynes

£1 million (est) contribution for Secondary Education (This goes to the County Council – not Winslow)

£100k contribution to the Primary Care Trust for improvements to Winslow’s health centre and Norden House surgery

£500k towards a new Community Centre (This would add to the £600+k that the Banner Homes development will deliver)

£100k for traffic calming in Elmfields Gate, Magpie Way and at Shipton hamlet. (subject to a residents survey)

£100k in contributions for Library and Adult Education provision (again this would go to Bucks County Council – not Winslow)There would also be a play area and youth shelter on the development, and a contribution to future on-site landscape maintenance.

This is an attractive package of potential benefits for the town and would go some way to off-set the impact of the development if permission is given. However, residents have made it clear that they do not wish to see more major development and in any event this is not a suitable site. Little Horwood Road forms a clear boundary to the East of Winslow and we are concerned that if permission were granted here then we could be faced with more applications for development right up to the railway line.

gladman-site.jpgThe Town Council have over £600,000 to come in ‘off-site leisure contribution’ from Banner Homes in respect of the Verney Road Development and this, together with a possible £500,000 if the Shipton development were given permission would cover the basic cost of a new, purpose built community centre.  With a potential 20% increase in the size of the town there is no doubt that a new purpose built facility would be a real benefit to the community.  However, even if the offer was for twice as much it still wouldn’t; change the basic planning issue and that is that development beyond Little Horwood road would constitute ‘development in  the open countryside’.

If the Planning Inspector decides to approve the application we will have to ensure that all of the proposed community benefits are actually delivered.

GLADMAN DEFEATED AGAIN! Planning appeal for 200 houses rejected.

The Planning Inspector has rejected an appeal by Gladman Developments against the earlier refusal by AVDC to grant consent for the building of 200 homes on land between Little Horwood Road and Shipton hamlet. In her summing up at the end of a ten page report the Inspector, Mrs Jennifer Vyse,  that the proposals amounted to an ”unjustified development that would constitute an unnecessary intrusion into open countryside”.  The developers now have a six week window in which they can , if they wish, challenge the decision in the High Court on legal grounds relating to any alleged impropriety or error in the conduct of the appeal hearing.

Commenting after the decision was announced, Llew Monger, who had represented the Town Council throughout the four day hearing and site visit, said he was delighted by the outcome and particularly pleased for those residents at Shipton and in the Elmfields area who would have suffered from the development. 

Shipton housing enquiry – decision delayed

At the end of the Public Enquiry into Gladman Developments application to build 200 houses at Shipton the Planning Inspector promised that she would give her decision by week commencing 29th March.  We heard nothing so chased the Planning Inspectorate at Bristol and were advised that 12th April was the new date. Within an hour we had another call to say that 12th April would not be met but no revised date was given.  Let’s hope that we will hear by the end of April.


Gladman Developments, who’s application to develop Winslow Green was roundly rejected by local residents and planners alike is at it again. This time it’s a proposal to develop 200 dwellings on land between Little Horwood Road and Shipton hamlet. So far as we know this is one of the few pieces of land that they actually own, rather than just have options on, and it may be that they think a development here will help recover some of the vast sums they spent on the Winslow Green application.  At the time of writing we are aware that the application has been submitted to AVDC but details have not been received by Winslow Town Council.  A public meeting will have to be held in September to allow residents to see the plans and comment on them so we’ll publish details as soon as possible.

It would be wrong to comment on the application at this stage but if you want to see what Winslow Town Council thinks about possible future development in general then go to  and look at the TC’s response to the AVDC Local Development Framework – Core Strategy consultation. No doubt we will be bearing this in mind when responding to the Gladman application.


In a surprise move the would-be developers of Winslow Green have advised AVDC that they will not be appealing against the decision to refuse planning permission. This is great news for Winslow and the Horwoods but also for all communities in this part of rural North Bucks.  However, it does indicate that Gladman Group are likely to pursue a new proposal to develop 250 homes on land between Little Horwood Road and Shipton hamlet. Llew has already expressed concern about this possible development as the land in question in included in the AVDC Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment as being suitable for 1,000 houses. Llew has persuaded the Town Council to hold an Open Day on July 11th when residents can see and comment on all possible development sites. More details on this coming soon.