The Public Inquiry into proposals to build 175 houses on land between Little Horwood Road and Shipton resumed in Aylesbury on Tuesday. Llew took time out from the local election campaign to attend the opening session and formally deliver the submission that he’d prepared on behalf of the Town Council which is opposed to the development. The Inquiry is expected to conclude this evening (Wednesday) and the Inspector will then study the mountains of evidence which have been submitted and deliver his decsion sometime during the Summer.
Tory Tales
Tory Tales 1
One of the Tory Candidates is telling voters that the Town Council is going to build a noisy Skateboard Park on land at the Winslow Centre. This is quite untrue and causing undue concern to residents in Park Road and Avenue Road. The Town Council do hope to provide a new multi-use games area at the Winslow Centre but this will not include a Skateboard Park. We’d really like to be able to provide such a facility but can’t find a suitable piece if land where the noise levels wouldn’t cause annoyance to local residents.
Tory Tales 2.
The same Tory candidate is allegedly telling people that the Lib Dems stopped her from being co-opted to Winslow Town Council when there was a vacancy. Well, the fact is that the Town Council is non-political, she doen’t even live in Winslow and the interview panel felt there was a better local candidate with much wider experience. Hopefully that’s what voters will think on Thursday 5th too!
Let down again by local Tory Councillors
The petition against car parking charges organised by local resident Ruth Ash generated over 2,000 signatures so Aylesbury Vale District Council were obliged by their own rules to debate the issue last week. Ruth was allowed 5 minutes to speak in support of the petition and did a great job. It was then the turn of the members of AVDC and our two local Tory Councillors, Duncan Wigley and Lindsay Rowlands had preference to speak first. The only problem was they weren’t there! A special debate about Winslow and neither of our District Councillors turned up ! It was left to a Liberal Democrat Councillor from Aylesbury to lead the support for our campaign to keep parking in Winslow free of charge.
Apart from having the debate about parking charges in Winslow this meeting included the annual budget setting which fixes our Council Tax for the next year. So, not only were we not represented in the debate but there was no input from Winslow about our Council Tax. Hopefully Winslow residents will remember this when they go to the ballot box in May!