The Officers Report, prepared by senior AVDC Planner Tony Barker, is published today and recommends REFUSAL of the Winslow Green application. Whilst this is what we hoped and expected there is no doubt that there is a great comfort factor in reading the detailed reasons for refusal. This report will go to all members of the AVDC Strategic Planning Committee which will meet at 1.00pm on Wednesday 1st April to consider the application. Members of the public are able to attend the debate which will be held in the Maxwell Hall at the Aylesbury Civic Centre in order to accommodate the numbers expected to attend.
Reasons given for the recommendation of refusal include the following; Conflict with Regional Spatial Strategy, intrusive development into the open countryside onto a Greenfield site, harm to the character and appearance of Winslow, failure to protect and enhance the environment, the adverse impact of the development on the vitality and viability of Winslow as a local shopping centre, traffic impact and inadequate provision of non-car modes of transport. All in all a pretty thorough demolition of the application!
You can read the full report by clicking on the link below but please allow time for it to load as it is 60 pages long!